In Guatemala, the leading causes of death are diarrhea and respiratory disease. This is due to the severe lack of clean water and clean air in the community. Project 19 installs water purification systems into the homes which provide up to 10 years of clean water. Each filter costs just $59. Additionally, in order to prevent respiratory disease which affects many at a young age, Project 19 aims to replace each open-fire stove with a smokeless stove. These two inexpensive changes can drastically alter the longevity of life in the community.
Most of the children in the rural communities of Guatemala are not getting the proper nutrition needed to develop and grow healthily. Most of their diet is corn-based. Because of this, Project 19 is partnering with local nutritionists to provide information and help start a community garden. Our hope for nutritional guidance is that it will train the communities to increase protein and fiber intake. Education on nutrition and health not only provides a resource that empowers a community to sustain themselves in tangible ways.
Project 19 believes in order to experience true hope, each and every person needs to have a personal encounter with the God who made them. While providing clean water, clean air, education, and nutrition is incredible, we believe that every person needs a supernatural connection to live a purposeful life. Jesus gives us purpose beyond ourselves, and we desire to share this truth through providing Biblical education to the community.
In a world filled with challenges, the power of giving becomes a beacon of hope and change. Project 19 was founded to create a direct relationship between you and the people who make your coffee and to aid communities in Central America with life stabilizing necessities such as clean water, pure air, a nutritious diet, and hope. Your donation has the potential to transform lives, providing crucial support to those in need.
We hold two big events annually to raise awareness for our cause. We host a latte art competition every July, and a more formal banquet in the Spring.
Through our mission trips, teams are able to build connections with the community and offer direct assistance via hands-on projects.
No matter how big or small your gift, support of Project 19 funnels directly to aiding and supporting the lives of people in Central America.
The wait is over! Sign ups are now open for Project 19’s first ever latte art competition. Claim your spot today!